Why Kingston?

If you consider everything Kingston has to offer, you'll agree that Kingston workstation memory is the best solution. When it comes to workstation memory, no one can compare to Kingston for

Maybe that's why our field-proven memory is specified by more large organizations worldwide than any other brand.

About Kingston

Contacting Kingston


You won't find more reliable memory than Kingston's®. Our workstation memory has an MTBF (mean time between failure) of more than four million hours, far exceeding the industry standard. If you think about it in relation to years, that translates to an average of more than 450 years between failures. How do we do it? Testing. Testing. And more testing. Here's how:

Reliability Facts

  • Kingston's custom-designed testing equipment is so comprehensive we test every cell, on every chip, on every module (on a 32 MB module, that's 256 million cells). And we do it twice before shipping.

  • All UNIX workstation memory is tested inside the actual type of workstation for which it was designed. This ensures 100 percent compatibility.

  • As system processors get faster the tolerance for timing issues becomes increasingly narrow. That's why every module is tested to be within one nanosecond (one billionth of a second) for error.

  • We go beyond the others in testing. We're one of the only companies that performs full-spec testing, meaning we test to the full extent of the spec set by the system manufacturer.

  • We recently invested an additional $1.2 million in testing equipment to ensure our memory is the best available. We even have equipment that tests the chip itself at the semiconductor level. Normal testing is usually done only at the connector level.

  • All this testing adds up to unsurpassed reliability. It's just one more reason why we're the world's leading manufacturer of UNIX workstation memory.
When you consider our reliability and everything else Kingston offers, you'll agree Kingston UNIX workstation memory is the best value.

Link to The Memory Zone

Kingston's website is constantly updated with new product and price information. Click on one of the following links to The Memory ZoneTM at

Free 30-day
Try Kingston Memory for 30 days, free of charge, and see the difference Kingston memory can make in the performance of your Silicon Graphics workstation.

Current Configuration
New products are introduced weekly at Kingston. Jump to Kingston's website to get the latest on new system configurations.

Distributor & Reseller
Kingston delivers memory through an international network of distributors and resellers. Jump to Kingston's website to browse a list of distributors and resellers who can be reached on-line.

Updated Price
Jump to Kingston's website for updated price comparisons. See the savings for yourself, and find out why Kingston is the most cost-effective solution for workstation memory.

Send questions to webmaster@kingston.com - Kingston Technology Company. 17600 Newhope Street, Fountain Valley, CA 92708, (714)435-2667, Fax (714)435-2618. © Kingston Technology Company. All rights reserved. Prices subject to change. Kingston is a registered trademark and Computing Without Limits is a trademark of Kingston Technology Company. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.